
Can Snakes Bite Through Rubber Boots?

With summer just around the corner, the snakes are coming out of their hibernation. Thanks to the warm weather, they are more active during the summer months. Right from the end of March, you will start spotting snakes on the trails when you are out for a walk. The problem is, snakes are masters at hiding themselves in the wild. That means it is harder to spot the snakes while you are walking. As your feet and legs are more vulnerable in this situation, you need to wear rubber boots to protect yourself from snake bites. The question is, do rubber boots protect you from snake bites? 

Good quality rubber boots can protect you from snake bites. However, the regular ones are not the ones suitable for this purpose. The typical rubber boots are not made with the same materials as snake boots or outdoor hunting boots. These boots are made of extremely tough materials. This tough exterior stops the fangs of the snakes from reaching the skin of your feet or legs. 

Humans are not the natural prey of snakes. So, it is not in their nature to attack humans voluntarily. Snakes only bite humans when they are hurt or feel concerned about their safety. So, they are not concerned whether they have penetrated your skin or not once they have bitten you. After the bite, the snakes concentrate on retracting their fangs and fleeing from the scene. By wearing rubber boots, you can easily protect yourself.

What materials are used in rubber boots?

Also known as the rain boots, goloshes, gumboots and wellingtons, the rubber boots are in existence since the 1800s. Polyvinyl Chloride is used for making these boots. PVC is one of the halogenated polymers which are used during the rainy seasons. 

Common places to wear rubber boots

Most of the time, people working in chemical or other industries, mines and farms use rubber boots. These boots help to protect the feet of the workers from any unforeseen accidents. It also prevents the fluids from sipping inside of the boot. 

The rubber boots are also popular among people who love to hike. Hiking is not only adventurous. It is also unpredictable at the same time. Finding walking places can be a surprise when walking in unknown places. Any high-quality rubber boot manufacturing companies make knee-high boots so that you get the maximum coverage from unpredictable snake bites. However, you can also find ankle-high boots that are more relevant as well and will help protect you,

What is the length of snakes fangs?

The funny thing is that all the snakes do not have fangs. The reason is, most of the snakes are not venomous. These snakes do not overpower their prey with the help of their venom. The fang length of the venomous snakes is not universal. Various snake species have fangs of different size. 

It is hard for non-specialists to identify the venomous from the non-venomous snakes just by its looks. Also, just because the snake is not venomous, it does not mean it cannot bite. A waterproof rubber boot can protect you from snake bites of all kinds. 

Where do snakes bite?

If you consider the snakes’ anatomy, it would be easier to understand where the snakes bite. Most of the snakes crawl on the land. So, when they feel threatened, they will bite out on the legs. Depending on the length of the snake, it can go up to the calves when striking. 

How to protect yourself while hiking

Snakes do not have anything to do with humans. That means they will try to avoid you as much as possible. Snakes will only attack you if they feel threatened or bothered in any way. Snakes can throw their bodies off from a considerable distance to attack. So, it is better not to provoke them in any way. 


You can protect yourself from a snake’s attack by stomping on the ground while walking. Even if the snake is at a considerable distance from you, keep on stamping. The snakes can feel the vibrations of the land. So, stomping gives them a chance to move away without feeling cornered or threatened in any way. Make sure to stay at a distance from the snake. This way, they will not get a chance to strike out even if they feel threatened. 

Mind your feet and hands

It is always better to see the ground first before walking on the floor. It will help you to make sure that there are no hidden snakes there. While hiking, if you have to step over a log, make sure to check it first. 

The same goes for your hands as well. Never put your hands in a place where you cannot see clearly. Always remember, hollow logs, tall grass and marshy lands, or anywhere with an obstructed view for that matter, is a favourite place for the snakes. 

What should you wear if you are working, hunting, fishing or hiking in a snake prone area

Wearing comfortable clothes is a must when you are working, hiking, fishing or hunting. However, comfort does not always protect you from snake attacks. So, what should you wear to avoid snake bites? 

While hiking, working, fishing or hunting in snake prone areas, always make sure to wear clothes that completely cover you. Full sleeved shirts or t-shirts, full pans and a pair of good quality rubber boots are a must. It is better to choose trousers made of heavier materials but are not uncomfortable in any way. All in all, the idea is to keep as little skin as possible on the show. These choices will protect you from snake bites as well as from bugs, mosquitoes and other insects.


All in all, rubber snake boots are worthy of your money if you work or love to hike in the snake dense areas. However, do not just pick up any of the rubber boots. Make sure to research more to find out all the details about a pair of boots before investing in them. If you are someone who ventures out in the wild often, the snake boots will come in handy.

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By Teresa Mine

Teresa has studied canine behaviour and canine nutrition. She loves sharing her knowledge and educating through her articles. She loves binge-watching animal documentaries. Teresa has some pets; she adores two dogs, two cats, and one hamster.