
Can Cats Eat Easter Eggs? (Warning)

Cats are natural hunters and will eat just about anything, including food that is not good for them. Easter eggs are a big temptation to cats and can lead to some severe health problems. If you have an Easter egg leftover from the holiday, please put it out of reach or in a locked cabinet before your cat gets into it!

Cats can not eat chocolate Easter eggs as it contains theobromine and caffeine, which is highly toxic to cats if consumed in large quantities.

Cats have an instinct to hunt and try anything that looks like food, including things that may be harmful if ingested in large quantities, such as chocolate Easter egg fillings or decorations made of foil-wrapped chocolates. Theobromine is an ingredient found naturally within cocoa beans, but it’s also used extensively for its flavour enhancing properties when added to processed foods. The most common sources being chocolate, dark tea leaves (black), coffee grounds and roasted nuts.

Easter Egg Poisoning Symptoms

Easter Egg poisoning symptoms can cause vomiting and diarrhoea with high doses leading on from this stage, potentially causing cardiac arrest due to heart arrhythmia caused by excessive stimulation at nerve endings near their hearts’ electrical pathways.

  • Sickness
  • Vomiting blood
  • Excessive thirst
  • Hyperirritability 
  • High heart rate
  • Incoordination
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Muscle twitching
  • Seizures
  • Death

Easter Egg Poisoning Treatment

The most common treatment for Easter egg poisoning is to induce vomiting. A vet will only do this if there are still Easter eggs left in their stomach and they have not started experiencing any symptoms. Once a cat starts showing signs, it’s too late because this can cause more damage internally from throwing up food that hasn’t been digested properly, leading to further complications such as blockage within your intestines. If a cat has already vomited and had diarrhoea, then rehydration therapy will commence. You must get to a veterinarian professional as soon as possible if you think your cat has eaten an excessive amount of easter egg.

How long after eating chocolate will a cat get sick?

Easter Egg poisoning symptoms will occur within six to twelve hours after eating the egg. Depending on the amount consumed, your cat may start to experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.


We now know that cats can not eat Easter Eggs as they are bad for their health. If you have an egg’s leftover from the holiday, please put it out of reach or in a locked cabinet before your cat gets into them!

It's a good thing to share!

By Teresa Mine

Teresa has studied canine behaviour and canine nutrition. She loves sharing her knowledge and educating through her articles. She loves binge-watching animal documentaries. Teresa has some pets; she adores two dogs, two cats, and one hamster.