Cats are carnivores, and they need to eat meat to survive. Cats being carnivores will never change as their digestive system is built for meat. But we can offer them a slight difference in their diet now and then as a bit of a treat and added
Watermelon, if served correctly, is safe for cats to eat in moderation. Watermelon must be served plain, with no seeds or rind. A cat can benefit from many of the vitamins and minerals a watermelon has to offer.
Benefits of watermelon
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B6
- Potassium
- Fibre
- Hydrating
- Low calories
Now we know that watermelon is safe for cats and is not toxic if served correctly. Let’s find out how best to do this for your cat and the amount.
Watermelon Warning
Watermelon is mainly made of water and natural sugars. You need to understand that a cat’s digestive system is different from ours. This is why it’s so vital that you must not overfeed your cat watermelon, nor feed them everyday or in replacement of a cat’s well-balanced daily meal with watermelon.
- Excessive watermelon can cause diarrhoea
- Too much watermelon means excessive natural sugar, which can lead to diabetes in cats
- Frequent watermelon can lead to obesity
Symptoms (Excessive Watermelon)
- Excessive thirst
- Constant urination
- Lack of appetite
- Inability to jump
- Vomiting
If your cat displays any of the above symptoms, stop all the extra treats, even cat treats. Provide only their daily cat food and book an appointment with a veterinarian
How much watermelon can a cat eat?
A cat can safely eat a couple of cubes (2 cm x 2 cm) of watermelon once every three days. Anything more than this can pose a risk to a cats health. A couple of cubes may not seem much, but a cat’s stomach is only tiny and should be packed full on well-balanced cat food instead of watermelon.
- Couple of cubes (2 cm x 2 cm)
How Often
- Once every three days max
Can kittens eat watermelon?
It would be best if you did not feed your kitten watermelon. A kittens stomach is a lot more sensitive to foods when they are younger than twelve months. Therefore, only after the age of twelve months, you can consider treating your kitten to watermelon.
- 0 – 8 Weeks = Mothers milk
- Eight weeks to 12 months = kitten food
- Twelve months onwards = yes, can treat with watermelon.
Can older cats eat watermelon?
Watermelon can benefit older cats, especially if they dont drink much water. Since the watermelon is mostly water, it’s good hydration for an older cat. However, you do need to be wary of an older cat’s sensitive stomach. Only provide watermelon in tiny amounts, or the sugars in the watermelon can pose a risk if consumed daily in high doses.
Can cats eat watermelon rind?

Do not feed your cat the watermelon rind because continuous consumption of the rind can cause intestinal blockages. Intestinal blockages are highly uncomfortable for a cat. A cat with intestinal blockage will more than likely need to see a veterinarian. It would be best to remove the rind before serving along with the seeds.
- Intestinal blockages
- Choking Hazard
Can cats eat watermelon seeds?

Do not feed your cat the watermelon seeds because the seeds’ continuous consumption can cause intestinal blockages, and these seeds contain a chemical compound called cyanide. Intestinal blockages are highly uncomfortable for a cat. Cyanide poisoning can occur in high doses of consumption of seeds. It would be best to remove the seeds before serving along with the rind.
- Intestinal blockages
- Cyanide poisoning
The amount of cyanide is small in the seeds; however, if your cat eats the seeds in a high amount, it can undoubtedly lead to cyanide poisoning. Cats only have a small digestive system, so it would be best to remove the seeds to avoid any possibilities of cyanide poisoning
Can watermelon kill cats?
If you know the best practices in serving your cat watermelon, and your cat is fit and healthy, a watermelon can not kill a cat. Always make sure you remove the rind and seeds. Never give your cat more than the recommended amount. By following these best practices, a cat will be happy and healthy.
Can a cat eat frozen watermelon?

Yes, frozen watermelon on a hot summers day is safe for cats to eat in moderation. Watermelon must be served plain, with no seeds or rind. A cat can benefit from many of the vitamins and minerals a frozen watermelon has to offer.
Well-balanced meal
The importance of well-balanced cat food is the foundation of a cats health. You must never substitute any humans foods without consulting a vet. Human food treats are acceptable but must be in moderation only.
Can cats eat cantaloupe?

Yes, if cantaloupe served correctly, it is safe for cats to eat in moderation. The cantaloupe must be served plain, with no seeds or rind. A cat can benefit from many of the vitamins and minerals a cantaloupe has to offer.
Can cats eat honeydew?

Yes, cats can eat honeydew melon if served correctly; it is safe for cats to eat in moderation. The honeydew melon must be served plain, with no seeds or rind. A cat can benefit from many of the vitamins and minerals a honeydew melon has to offer.
Can cats eat yellow melon?

Also known as canary melon or winter melon, cats can safely eat this type of melon. However, it must be in moderation and served plain with no seeds or rind. A cat can benefit from many of the vitamins and minerals a yellow melon has to offer.
Never feed your cat melon:
- If your cat has diabetes
- If your cat is overweight
- If your cat is in poor health
- If your cat is still a kitten (up to twelve months)
Cats are carnivores, and there is no way around this. Cats need meat to survive and be healthy. However, you can treat your cats to other foods, such as the above describes. Take care in how you prepare the food and never give any melon to a kitten.