
Can Hamsters Eat Blackberries? (Benefits, Amount, Tips)

Are you wanting to treat your hamster to something new, let’s find out if blackberries are a treat you can safely give your hamster. Yes, hamsters can safely eat blackberries in moderation. Blackberries have many health benefits for a hamster. Blackberries contain a wide array of essential nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, […]


Can Hamsters Eat Broccoli? (Best Served, Feeding Amount)

Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family with a solid resemblance to the cauliflower. Thanks to its high nutritious content, broccoli has become the first choice of most health professionals. As we want to feed our pet hamsters the most nutritious vegetables, hamster owners wonder whether they can serve broccoli to their pets. But before adding […]


Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber? (Best Practises)

Hamsters are omnivorous and eat everything from fruit to insects. Fresh vegetables and fruits have many health benefits to hamster if served correctly and in the right amount. Let’s find out if hamsters can eat cucumbers? Hamsters can eat cucumber in moderation without any harm to their health. Cucumbers are a perfect snack for a […]