
Hognose Snake Information

The term hognose snake does not indicate a single type of snake. It instead denotes the number of snake species with distinct upturned snouts similar to the hogs’ snouts. These mildly venomous snakes use their upturned snouts for digging. These snakes come from three distinct genera; the Leioheterodon, Heterodon, and Lystrophis. Origin These snakes are […]


Do Hamsters Have Cheek Pouches?

It’s funny to see these odd looking animals with pouches on the side of their face when they’re full. Pouches act like a permanent handbag or rucksack for food and bedding, so let’s find out if hamsters have this same pouch? Yes, hamsters have pouches located on either side of their mouths. Hamsters rely on […]


How Long Does A Hamster Live?

Depending on the hamster type, the lifespan can vary from 1 year to 4 years. See below for a table on the specific hamster types. Hamster Type: Lifespan: Roborovski dwarf hamster 2 – 3 years Chinese hamster 2.5 – 3 years Syrian (Golden hamster) 3 – 4 years Winter white dwarf hamster Twelve months Campbell’s […]


How Often Do Snakes Shed Their Skin? (Shedding Process)

The shedding “ecdysis” process is not an easy one for snakes to go through. Shedding is a natural process, and a snake owner needs to understand the benefits of this natural occurrence and the process of shedding. Let’s find out how often they shed.  Snakes shed their skin to grow and stay healthy. They will […]


Are Snakes Cold-blooded? (Ectothermic)

The snake is a reptile that can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They are carnivores, and they prey on other animals like rodents, lizards, birds and eggs. Let’s learn more and find out if they are cold-blooded. Yes, Snakes are cold-blooded (ectothermic), which means they rely on external heat sources to regulate their […]


Can Cats Eat Easter Eggs? (Warning)

Cats are natural hunters and will eat just about anything, including food that is not good for them. Easter eggs are a big temptation to cats and can lead to some severe health problems. If you have an Easter egg leftover from the holiday, please put it out of reach or in a locked cabinet […]


Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Have you ever wondered why your cat has whiskers? The answer to this question is simple, but it’s also essential for pet owners to know. Cats have whiskers so they can sense the world around them. They help them navigate, find prey and avoid obstacles.  The next time you are brushing your cat, take a […]


Can Cats Eat Watermelon? Benefits + Amounts

Cats are carnivores, and they need to eat meat to survive. Cats being carnivores will never change as their digestive system is built for meat. But we can offer them a slight difference in their diet now and then as a bit of a treat and added Watermelon, if served correctly, is safe for cats […]


Are Hognose Snakes Good For Beginners?

If you’re thinking about getting your very first pet snake, it’s crucial not to jump in and buy the first snake you see. There are many snake species that you can have as a pet. However, if you’re looking for a friendly snake and one that doesn’t grow too big, look no further than the […]


Are Snakes Real? (Let’s Find Out)

Sometimes when you dont see something with your eyes, it can be hard to believe that it has ever existed. Let’s find out if snakes are real. Snakes (suborder Serpentes) are real creatures that exist in almost every part of the world. They have been around for approximately 90 to 100 million years. Many of […]